Sales Representative Coverage
Below is a list of our Sales Representative coverage for the United Kingdom and overseas.
Please feel free to contact your sales manager for your area using the contact details below or login into your customer account on this website and book an appointment or send them a message directly.

Adam (Rossco) Newcombe
Profile: Customer Liaison Manager
Telephone: 01845 567044 ex: 237
Adam, or Rossco as he is affectionately known, has been one of the Hill Interiors heroes during Covid-19. He has only had 2 days off in 2020 and is the person everyone asks to speak to when they ring into Hill Interiors. Adams knowledge of our systems, our customers, and our stock, is second to none. If you want a job doing, no matter how big or small, call the A team!

Carla Petty
Profile: Sales Manager
Telephone: 07710087811
Carla joined Hill Interiors in April 2015, initially as a member of the buying team and has recently taken on the role of Sales Manager, looking after key and overseas accounts. Please contact Carla if you are a major retailer or overseas customer.